In late 2020, one of the nation’s finest comic book artists, Jason Seaux, contacted Pat LaMarche. He wanted to draw a comic book with a homeless hero. Jason asked Pat to write it. Through her career as a journalist, Pat’s written thousands of pages about poverty and homelessness. A quick web search shows countless stories written for HuffPost, Common Dreams and other periodicals. A glance at her web page, Pat LaMarche dot com shows her books.

Pat agreed to write the story. And while she’s written kids books about homelessness, adult books about homelessness and run shelters full of every kind of person experiencing homelessness, Pat had never written a comic book. So she contacted the her favorite comic and comedic genius, her brother, Phil.

Phil had some great ideas. He built the plot and developed the climax of the story! He knew the super power the homeless guy (Mack) should have – Mack’s got to be INVISIBLE. Cause after all – aren’t all homeless folks invisible on some level?

After years running shelters Pat can tell you, an awful lot of the heroes on the fringe of society are veterans. If you’ve read her newest book, Still Left Out In America, then you already know that’s her feeling. Soldiers of all genders are uniquely trained for the adversity of homelessness in a way civilian elderly, teens, or mommies and daddies with little kids just aren’t. And veterans have made a big difference for others in every homeless community she’s seen.

So Pat and Phil put their heads together and wrote INVISIBLE for Jason Seaux. He is creating a remarkable set of images to bring that story to life in a way that only comics can. Chad Bruce is the artist coloring his work.

INVISIBLE is a thrilling 28 page full color comic book with good guys, bad guys and helpless kids in need. It’s a page turner you won’t want to miss.

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